Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog Post #2 Ted Talk

Do we have privacy anymore? 

We all believe that we as a whole are safe from hackers, says, etc. We believe that since our modern day safety technology has grown since back in the 60's or 70's we're automatically safe and our information is guarded completely or protected from strangers. In reality, we're just as exposed to outside threats from our social media as they were a decade ago. These safety issues affect me personally because I tend to post a lot across all my social media platforms that be including instagram, snapchat, facebook, and tik tok. 

My parents have always talked to me about the dangers of the internet and of course I have taken in what they have said. However, I like the rest of my generation have fallen victim the how addictive it is to post daily across all platforms. I have recently learned about how the government can track what I am doing, therefore I need to be careful about the content I post. You never know what the government could be viewing or how they interpret what I post. I also need to be more aware of what future employers can see being that everything you post stays out there. Even when you try and delete it, it will never go away. It is a whole string of domino effects that can cause something bad to happen in an instant. We have to be aware of how much privacy we really do possess. These ted talks that we watched really brought an amount of awareness that this issue desperately needs. 

The fact that scares me most about this issue is the mere fact that my location can be seen or hacked by anyone that has basic computer skills now a days. I never thought about my location being tracked by a stranger or the government until a few days ago watching these videos. I definitely have learned now that my location could be seen or found by everyone I have to be more cautious about where I go and if I go alone or not.

What can we do about our privacy being not so private? 

We all would love to live in a world where we can guarantee that our right to privacy is protected. However, it's hard to pinpoint one singular thing to do to stop our privacy from being invaded. The most obvious way we can better protect our private information online is 1.) controlling what we post. 2.) Don't post any information about yourself or friends or family. 3.) Don't be naive. 

Another idea could be to strive to make the government aware of how big this issue is and to hopefully get some laws passed and put in place to actually protect our privacy as a whole. 

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