Thursday, January 26, 2023

History of the Supreme Court

 History of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is one of the highest up courts in the judicial and federal branch. The Supreme Court is also known as SCOTUS. The Supreme Court reviews cases that have to do with the constitution. The justices on the Supreme Court basically uphold the constitution. We went in depth in class and in the videos we were assigned to watch about how much power the Supreme Court really does hold. 

What did I learn about the Supreme Court that I didn't already know?

  1. I didn't know that the Supreme Court justices are chosen by the president and that the senate has the power to confirm or deny a candidate that the president selects. This could potentially be bad for the president because if the senate is not leaning towards to the presidents favor the president loses all that power that he possesses.
  2. I also learned that there are nine supreme justices rather than six. I have always just assumed there was six. I have not really paid much attention until recently on this subject matter. However, I am happy that now I know how the Supreme Court is comprised and how many people it is comprised of. 
  3. Congress also obtains the power to structure the Supreme Court how they want too
What is the most important takeaway from this?
The most important takeaway from all of this is the fact that the Supreme Court holds so much power that they basically possess jurisdiction over all other branches of law. The Supreme Court rules over the executive branch and legislative branch, therefore they have all over control in the United States. The Supreme Court is extremely important to the citizens of the United States because they protect our constitutional rights. That is their job that they need to be executing.

What was the most surprising thing you've learned?
The most surprising fact that came to light was how the president picks who is on the Supreme Court. With both parties this could lead to bias and then that's when we start running into issues. People will accuse and possibly challenge decisions by the Supreme Court just because they could happen to be bias. On the other hand, this power that the president holds is really good for him because he in a way has them in his pocket just because he will know they all have the same views. This is probably one of the biggest powers that someone in the United States could possibly hold.

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