Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 news sources of information

Personally, I am really into politics. I have been into politics since the year 2016. I went to rallies that the former president had held. I try to be as unbiased as possible, however we all have our preferences to which news source we enjoy. My go to news source to get my information from is Fox News. Every night I watch tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and so on. I also however tend to look at the NY post. I know both of those news sources are Republican. Again though we all have our preferences. Fox News NY post

Another source of where I get my information is from my parents, especially my dad. My dad is a Republican so I get one sided information from him when having a conversation with him about whatever is going on. Therefore, I tend to utilize my mom because she is an independent. She doesn’t favor one or the other. She always has an unbiased opinion no matter the issue we are discussing.

Another source I get my news from is social media apps such as tiktok. Tiktok has an algarythem for what you like and then it appears on your for you page. Therefore, I get a lot of news focusing on the Republican side. Tik Tok

I believe these news sources are the ones to go too because yes they tend to be biased in the slightest, but not as much as other news sources.You will not find an unbiased news source now a days. It’s just a matter of how you personally interpret the subject or issue matter.

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