Monday, February 13, 2023

Blog #9 - Key concept and terms - Mainstream Media

For this EOTO I chose the topic of Mainstream media. Mainstream media can be defined as a traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlet. Some examples of Mainstream media include; NBC, Bravo, E!, Golf channel, Syfy, or NBC sports network. Those are just a few examples of the many mainstream media's. Along with Mainstream media we also have establishment and corporate media. There are many differences between those three medias. I will be going into those differences later in the blog post. 

There are many implications when it comes to any type of media, however especially with Mainstream media a lot of implications arise. There are not only bad implications, but good implications as well. There have been major disconnects with mainstream media and their audiences. Different age groups, races, and classes will interpret mainstream media in a different way. The biggest implication is bias. Every mainstream media news source has a form of bias within the network. Depending on you demographic that will determine what news source you watch and why.

How might this affect society as a whole? This affects society as a whole with how we interact with one another. Depending on which mainstream media source you watch it will always conflict with a different media source. Therefore, this will start many arguments, riots, and many other implications come out of this in society. For example, everything that was happening in 2020 and even into the year 2021. There were riots and society could not not matter what get along due to the implication of media bias. 

How might these implications affect different segments differently - rich/poor, old/young, male/female, etc? This affects different segments of society based on values and belief. Society as viewers to mainstream media feed into the frenzy so to speak, but it really depends on your demographic how you interpret the mainstream media. Starting off with the first differential pairing of rich/poor. Rich people tend to benefit more from the mainstream media when the economy is booming because the mainstream media portrays the rich as the people who are benefiting the most. Poorer people hear from the mainstream media that when the wealthy people benefit from our American economic boom that they should go along with what the rich are doing. The news today tells poorer voters that when the rich are benefiting that means the economy is much better. Therefore, the mainstream media basically only benefits the rich rather than the poor. Now going into the difference between old/young... "Younger audiences are different from older groups not just in what they do, but in their core attitudes in term of what they want from the news. Young people are primarily driven by progress and enjoyment in their lives, and this translates into what they look for in news". While older audiences tend to go for the more traditional mainstream media that only confirm their viewpoints. Gay/Straight is the next pairing I will be depicting for how the mainstream media acts. The research that I did came to the conclusion that the mainstream media doesn't really affect the straight/gay category. I believe that they don't really target that audience as a minority. mainstream media targets society as a whole. As for majority and minority... as I said for the gay/straight they target the majority of society, not as much any sort of minority. 

As for how it might affect me or my family... I feel like any sort of news or media will affect the population as a whole including my family and I. There are always certain subjects that could implicate my families viewpoints or standing/idea of society. 

Mainstream media has many implications, however I do believe that none of them really affect me and my family.

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