Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blog Post #5 - Anti-War voices

    After being on social media for many years I have only heard so little about anti-war voices, much less about what it is. Someone who is anti-war is someone who opposes the mere idea of any specific war or riot. For this assignment the directions instructed us to look at these two websites ( & to really get a deep understanding of what anti-war voices are. 

These websites both are made up of news that you will most certainly not find on the main stream media. These websites post the truth about what is happening in the world that the main stream media is afraid to talk about or don't want citizens to know. These websites are also not censored, meaning that they don't hide anything. They tell the full truth, and nothing but the truth. Some examples of this include; The left mines for votes in American prisons, Filling out the China grid, and a new ceasefire fails in Sudan. None of these subjects I have heard on the news and I am an avid news watcher. I like to be informed and educated on everything going on in the news. However, after reading these articles it has made me question... Do I really actually know whats going on?

The mainstream media never showcases or reports on these truths because they don't want it to negatively impact the citizens thoughts on or about the government. Essentially, the media makes sure to only showcase the positives or glories of the government or political world. If they reported on the actual truth they know for a fact that the citizens could revolt. 

The fact that I have never heard about either of these websites that were given to us to look at for this article is incredibly saddening. We as citizens living in America have a right to know the actual truth about what is going on in the world. We should have an understanding about everything going on in order to be prepared for whats going to happen or what could happen. These websites can only be seen if someone specifically searches for them... What kind of freedom is that? Freedom of speech is what this country prides themselves on and these anti-war voices are being silenced. That isn't the country we live in. We don't silence people for having an opposing opinion. The government wants the citizens to be fed the happy side of what they're doing, therefore, letting the mainstream media report on the good things that are happening or glorifying a certain subject matter or topic. 

All in all, after reading the truths about many different topics that I have not heard about in the mainstream media I feel very disheartened and frankly very scared. I now am wondering what else I don't know because of how the mainstream media really censors this kinda stuff. This just goes to show how much the government and media care about the citizens well-being. 

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