Monday, February 6, 2023

Motion picture invention - Blog Post #4


History: Who Invented the motion picture film? What were the circumstances? What problem were they trying to solve with their invention?

Most people had believed that Thomas Edison created the first motion picture film due to his invention of the kinetoscope in 1891. However, the real inventor of the motion picture film was a French artist named Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince. He was the first inventor of the motion picture camera. He was the first person to ever use a single lens camera to shoot a moving picture of 2.11 seconds. The first motion picture shot was the Rhoudhay Garden scene shot in 1888. Louis Le Prince impressed everyone with a remarkable display of four people walking in a garden. It was a cinematic masterpiece. 

The circumstances behind the invention of the motion picture movie were actually very simple. Louis believed that people would get bored of just watching casual and easy scenes to observe, that led to him claiming that the cinema was an "invention without a future (Menand, 2005). Soon after that statement, the cinema industry was in high demand from the people causing the Louis Le Prince company to travel all around Europe showing a half hour motion picture. After that, the cinema started to trump other competing entertainment shows. 6.1 The History of Movies – COM_101_01_TestBook › com101 › chapter › 8-2-the-his...

I don't think there was necessarily a problem that was solved by creating the motion picture. I believe that Louis Le Prince just wanted to invent something aka the cinema that was more interesting to watch than just a motion picture or a 2.11 second motion picture video. He slowly paved the way for cinemas to boom into popularity within citizens lives.

Impact: How did the invention change our world? How did it change communication? Did it have any negative effects?

The motion picture film gave people a reason to travel throughout the world to experience all emotions such as; Love, tragedy, and any other emotion you can name. Just by being able to go and watch these films it became the most loved and biggest form of entertainment around the world.

Motions pictures really paved the way for communication among the different classes, religions, and races. The development of the motion picture film went global. Everyone of all different backgrounds came to watch these films. Back when this was happening there was a ton of segregation among all aspects of life. Going to see these motion picture films where there was no rules on where people could and couldn't sit distracted the social norm to ignore someone of a different classier race.

From all the websites I looked through I couldn't find any negative effects that the motion picture film had. From what I gathered the motion picture films paved the way for people to have a distraction from their everyday lives and everyone no matter their race or class was treated equally. I believe this invention was one of the best during the time it came to be. It came at a time of major segregation and I truly believe the motion picture paved the way for segregation to start unravelling as it has in the last 50 years. 


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